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August 2024
Abhishek Garg: Innovative reverse translational approach helped us discover a novel dual-organ immuno-resistance pathway
Jan 21, 2024, 07:28

Abhishek Garg: Innovative reverse translational approach helped us discover a novel dual-organ immuno-resistance pathway

Abhishek Garg, Head of the Laboratory of Cell Stress and Immunity (CSI) at KU Leuven, recently shared on LinkedIn:

“Thrilled to share our lab’s latest research on next-generation dendritic cell (DC)-based anti-cancer vaccines against T cell-depleted tumors designed via innovative reverse translational approach! This approach helped us discover a novel dual-organ immuno-resistance pathway mediated by PD-L1+ macrophages, that was conserved in both mouse tumors and glioblastoma patients, and susceptible to combinatorial PD-L1 blockade (but not PD1-blockade)!

Read the research here.

This brilliant work was made possible because of a series of collaborators and our lab mates, especially the lead author Jenny Sprooten! Thanks also to Isaure Vanmeerbeek, Angeliki Datsi, Daniel Borras, Stefan Naulaerts, Raquel Laureano, Jannes Govaerts, Vanshika Malviya, Marc Kuballa, Michael Sabel, Marion Rapp, Kepp Oliver, Louis Boon, Sabine Tejpar, Jannie Borst, Guido Kroemmer, Susan Schlenner, Steven De Vleeschouwer, Rüdiger Sorg, and others!

Thanks also to all our funders, sponsors and supporters: KU Leuven Research, Foundation Flanders – FWO, FWO Research Foundation Flanders, Faculteit Geneeskunde KU Leuven Faculty of Medicine UZ Leuven Leuven.”

Abhishek Garg: Innovative reverse translational approach helped us discover a novel dual-organ immuno-resistance pathway

Source: Abhishek Garg/LinkedIn