Valentina Da Prat: The use of feeding jejunostomy for esophago-gastric cancer
Nov 12, 2024, 03:52

Valentina Da Prat: The use of feeding jejunostomy for esophago-gastric cancer

Valentina Da Prat, Medical Doctor of Nutrition and Dietetics Unit at IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, shared a post on LinkedIn about a recent paper by her and colleagues, published in Updates in Surgery:

“Our paper on the use of feeding jejunostomy for esophago-gastric cancer has been published in Updates in Surgery. Check out our proposal to guide clinicians in deciding on FJ placement.”

Riccardo Caccialanza, Director of IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, shared this post, adding:

“It is time to guarantee appropriate nutritional support by shared clinical criteria to all esophago-gastric cancer patients.
Please, check out our last publication on this topic.”

“Nutritional support via feeding jejunostomy in esophago-gastric cancers: proposal of a common working strategy based on the available evidence”

Authors: Riccardo Caccialanza, Valentina Da Prat, Raffaele De Luca, Jacopo Weindelmeyer, Amanda Casirati, Giovanni De Manzoni.

Valentina Da Prat: The use of feeding jejunostomy for esophago-gastric cancer

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