Michael Wang: Drug tolerant persister cell plasticity in cancer
Oct 1, 2024, 18:00

Michael Wang: Drug tolerant persister cell plasticity in cancer

Michael Wang shared a post on X about a recent paper by Jun He et al. published in Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy.

“Drug tolerant persister cell plasticity in cancer: a revolutionary strategy for more effective anticancer therapies”

Authors: Jun He, Zejing Qiu, Jingjing Fan, Xiaohong Xie, Qinsong Sheng and Xinbing Sui.

Michael Wang: Drug tolerant persister cell plasticity in cancer

“In Sig Trans Target Ther, a Hangzhou team comprehensively reviews DTPs and feasibility of small molecules, natural products, and drug repurposing to simultaneously inhibit and eliminate DTPs, providing long-term therapeutic results.”

Michael Wang: Drug tolerant persister cell plasticity in cancer

Source: Michael Wang/X

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Michael Wang is a Professor in the Department of Lymphoma and Myeloma at MD Anderson Cancer Center, where he focuses on preclinical and clinical research. He established the first human primary Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) animal model, the MCL-SCID-hu mouse model, for studying the biology and treatment of MCL. He is the current Director of the MCL Program of Excellence and Co-Director of Clinical Trials at MD Anderson.