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OncoDaily Walk and Talk with Maite Gorostegui, Hosted by Tatev Margaryan
Feb 19, 2024, 04:12

OncoDaily Walk and Talk with Maite Gorostegui, Hosted by Tatev Margaryan

Welcome back to Walk & Talk on OncoDaily!

Our guest for today is Dr. Maite Gorostegui. 

Dr. Maite is the Chair of the SIOP Global Mapping Program, an oncologist specialized in extracranial solid tumors and researcher in neuroblastoma and refractory tumors or relapse. 

Dr. Maite is an experienced pediatric oncologist with a focus on refractory tumors and relapse. She received training in Chile, Germany, and Spain, specializing in hematology and stem cell transplantation. Her international experience includes roles in Regensburg, Germany, and various hospitals in Santiago, Chile. 

Dr. Maite’s holistic approach to pediatric oncology underscores her dedication to the well-being of her patients and the advancement of oncological research. Dr. Maite emphasizes the importance of ongoing education and values the relationships formed with patients and their families.

Watch the interview hosted by Tatev Margaryan learn more about Dr Maite Gorostegui.

The transcript of Walk and Talk on OncoDaiy with Tatev Margaryan and Maite Gorostegui

Tatev Margaryan: Welcome back all to Walk and Talk on OncoDaily. And today we have Doctor Might as our guest. Doctor Marty, can you introduce yourself please, for our viewers?

Maite Gorostegui: Okay. Hello, I am Maite Gorostegui, I’m a pediatric oncologist working in Barcelona at Pediatric Cancer Center. I specialized in extracranial tumors, neuroblastoma cell tumors, and Wilms tumor. And here I am on Armenian soil. I can’t believe it.

Tatev Margaryan: Welcome, you’re very much welcome. So we’re just gonna take a troll down the hall in the hotel we are at. And I’m going to ask you a couple of silly, quirky, or interesting questions. Okay? Let’s see if you don’t mind.

Maite Gorostegui: I don’t mind at all.

Tatev Margaryan: Okay. So the first question I want to ask you is a bit interesting in a way that is kind of not something I think anyone has asked you before. So if you could magically learn the answer to a conspiracy theory or to an unsolved mystery in the world, what would you choose and why that exactly?

Maite Gorostegui: Wow. Yeah, I would try not to move this question to the political area. So I don’t know, at least do… Oh my goodness. I don’t know what to answer to this. If I could have the answer to a big consideration.

Tatev Margaryan: if it’s a bit too much, we can move to the next.

Maite Gorostegui: Move to the next, because I need to think about it.

Tatev Margaryan: Okay, okay. We can get back to it if you want to. Next question is, if you could relive one day from your own life, which day would you choose?

Maite Gorostegui: Relive?

Tatev Margaryan: Relive, like live through it again.

Maite Gorostegui: I will choose family moments, definitely with people that is not here, Grandpa, Grandma.

Tatev Margaryan: Yeah, that’s quite emotional I can understand that, but yes beautiful, very beautiful.

Maite Gorostegui: Very beautiful question.

Tatev Margaryan: Okay, now a silly one.

Maite Gorostegui: Okay, let’s move to the silly.

Tatev Margaryan: Which animal would you like to be reincarnated as? If there was a thing as reincarnation?

Maite Gorostegui: I will choose a dragon. It’s a fantastic one, but I will be a dragon with big wings and magical powers.

Tatev Margaryan: Why, though?

Maite Gorostegui: Because I would like to explore the world with my wings and to see anything that is happening. And if I can intervene and change something, I will definitely do. I will fight as a dragon.

Tatev Margaryan: Okay, definitely okay. Not something I expected, but wow.

Maite Gorostegui: Yeah, but I will be a dragon if I could.

Tatev Margaryan: Okay. Can you share a moment from your life when you had to stand up for something that you believed in? But maybe not a lot of people agree with you. What was that disagreement? Someone disagreed with you, but something you stood up for your own belief.

Maite Gorostegui: Well, I think one of these was with my father when I decided to study medicine. Oh, because I changed the city and I left everything behind. And at that time, also, the family situation was not the most ideal. So, I kept doing it, and I did it.

Tatev Margaryan: What does he think of it now? Your profession.

Maite Gorostegui: He would be proud. He is not here anymore.

Tatev Margaryan: I think he would be proud, too. Okay, let’s move on.

Maite Gorostegui: Okay.

Tatev Margaryan: If you were to create a time capsule, do you know what time capsule is?

Maite Gorostegui: Yeah.

Tatev Margaryan: TIme capsule that represents yourself, what would you put in it?

Maite Gorostegui: And what time of history?

Tatev Margaryan: You know, I mean, there’s this thing called a time capsule. This is a time when you put some things inside of it, and you are. And you leave it somewhere. Yeah. For a long period.

Maite Gorostegui: Yeah, what?

Tatev Margaryan: What would you put in it to represent you?

Maite Gorostegui: I will put my thoughts and things when I’m reading. I’m reading a book. I always write. So I will put one of these books maybe. This one, yeah. This is more actual. And I will put pictures of friends and family and a book, maybe a book too, and a bottle of wine, If it represents me, I will put the bottle too.

Tatev Margaryan: Sounds fancy.

Maite Gorostegui: For the future, maybe I will need it.

Tatev Margaryan: Another question. If you could master any skill or talent overnight, what would you choose?

Maite Gorostegui: But nothing professional?

Tatev Margaryan: Yeah, I mean it could be whatever you wish to.

Maite Gorostegui: I would love to dance, to learn how to dance tango or these kinds of things. I would choose that.

Tatev Margaryan: Wine, dancing sounds good. Can you describe a passion or an interest that you have, that most people would be surprised to know that you have this passion or interest maybe?

Maite Gorostegui: It’s difficult to answer that because people that know me, know what I like.

Tatev Margaryan: What about people that don’t know you, but know you professional?

Maite Gorostegui: Yeah, but I’m so, like, don’t know people that don’t have any idea. Everything I like about people is not high.

Tatev Margaryan: You show it.

Maite Gorostegui: I show what I like, definitely I share it. I don’t think I can surprise anyone.

Tatev Margaryan: Okay.

Maite Gorostegui: Yeah.

Tatev Margaryan: Okay. So you’re an open book?

Maite Gorostegui: Yeah, I’m an open book. I am.

Tatev Margaryan: Okay, so the last question now.

Maite Gorostegui: Okay.

Tatev Margaryan: In a way here is, yeah, complicated. We’ve walked quite a bit.

Maite Gorostegui: Yeah.

Tatev Margaryan: If you could visit any place in the world, would it be real or a fictional one? What would you choose?

Maite Gorostegui: I would like to go to Japan.

Tatev Margaryan: Japan?

Maite Gorostegui: Yes. And I will, but I don’t know when.

Tatev Margaryan: For what reason?

Maite Gorostegui: For the culture. Also for reading. I love Japanese authors, and I want to be there once.

Tatev Margaryan: Wow.

Maite Gorostegui: Okay.

Tatev Margaryan: Yeah, same.

Maite Gorostegui: Sure.

Tatev Margaryan: Definitely would be so attractive.

Maite Gorostegui: Yes, yeah, absolutely. Once in life, I will hope to do this.

Tatev Margaryan: Okay. This was our last question for today.

Maite Gorostegui: Okay. I will think about the consideration. I don’t know now the answer, but I will keep thinking about it.

Tatev Margaryan: Thank you for having me.

Maite Gorostegui: Thank you so much.

Tatev Margaryan: And it was Walk and Talk on OncoDaily, everyone. Thank you for watching us.

Previous episodes of  OncoDaily Walk and Talk with Tatev Margaryan

Episode 1: Yelena Janjigian

Episode 2: John Gore

Episode 3: Philip Philip, Celine Philip