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Nicolas Hubacz: White Blood Cell’s Checking for Foreign Invaders
Jul 6, 2024, 09:48

Nicolas Hubacz: White Blood Cell’s Checking for Foreign Invaders

Nicolas Hubacz, Research and Clinical Products Business Development Manager at Magstim, shared on LinkedIn:

“White Blood Cell’s Checking for Foreign Invaders

Did you know that within your body, millions of white blood cells wander through your bloodstream and tissues? These are not aimless travels; they are purposeful patrols by our immune system’s defenders.

Here’s how these white blood cells (WBCs) detect and combat harmful organisms

Patrol Duty: White blood cells constantly circulate through our bloodstream and tissues, patrolling for signs of invaders like bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

Detection: WBCs have specialized receptors on their surfaces that can identify common markers found on pathogens. This is akin to recognizing a ‘Most Wanted’ poster, alerting the WBCs to the presence of an intruder.

Alarm Signal: Once a threat is detected, white blood cells release signaling molecules called cytokines. These act as an alarm system, calling more white blood cells to the site of infection and inflaming the area to trap the invaders.

Engagement: Different types of white blood cells engage the pathogens in various ways:

Neutrophils engulf and destroy pathogens using enzymes.

Macrophages also engulf pathogens but can also “present” pieces of the pathogens on their surface to help other immune cells recognize and remember the invader.

Lymphocytes (B cells and T cells) either produce antibodies that neutralize pathogens or directly destroy infected cells.

Memory: After the battle, some lymphocytes become memory cells, which remember the specific markers of the pathogen. This allows for a faster and stronger response if the same threat reappears in the future.”

Source: Nicolas Hubacz/LinkedIn

