We mourn the loss of our Ivy Elkins
In December 2013, Ivy Elkins was diagnosed at age 47 with EGFR-positive stage 4 lung cancer. Her cancer metastasised to her bones and brain.
In 2017, Ivy co-founded the EGFR Resisters Patient and Caregiver group, a community devoted to supporting those affected by EGFR lung cancer and advancing research to make it a manageable chronic disease.
Ivy’s unwavering dedication, inspiring leadership, and collaborative spirit played a crucial role in the organization’s growth. She was particularly proud that, in just five years, the group raised over $1 million to support patient-led, patient-driven research.
On 23rd June, 2024, she passed away at the age of 57. In a tribute to Ivy, EGFR has created a memorial fund to carry on her mission.
The oncology community gave their condolences on this unfortunate loss:
“Today we mourn the loss of our Ivy Elkins, a co-founder of the EGFR Resisters and formidable lung cancer advocate. She will be missed! Condolences to her family and loved ones.”
“Mourning the loss of collaborator and patient advocate, Ivy Elkins who worked selflessly to improve research, promote self efficacy and change medicine to be more patient-centered.
I met Ivy in 2020. I loved her strong voice for the lung cancer community.
“What’s the use of biomarker testing if I can’t get the drug I need…”
In this, thread, Ivy talks about her diagnosis of EGFR+ lung cancer and how health insurance often does not serve it’s purpose for those with complex medical history and rare or unusual cancer.
Rest in Power Ivy.”
“Such a sad day for the lung cancer community. Condolences to Ivy’s family, the EGFR Resisters, and everyone who knew and loved Ivy. She was an amazing advocate for quality lung cancer care and research and she will be dearly missed.”
“I am truly heartbroken to learn Ivy Elkins, a lung cancer patient advocate and EGFR Resisters cofounder, has died.
I had the joy of working with Ivy in multiple settings, including on faculty at Vail Workshop. She was an absolute legend. Work hard in her honor, oncology twitter. We’ll miss you.”
“She once said “show them that our vaginas also matter”.
Ivy Elkins was a force of nature that believed in the importance of sexual health in women with lung cancer. She was an essential part of SHAWL! Ivy Elkins, I will forever miss your laugh.”
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