September, 2024
September 2024
Sara Tolaney: Please consider attending the School of Breast Oncology
Jun 22, 2024, 04:43

Sara Tolaney: Please consider attending the School of Breast Oncology

Hope Rugo, Medical hematologist-oncologist at UCSF, shared a post by Sara Tolaney, on X:

”It is indeed. Fabulous program and nice to have a meeting where we interact with attendees and discuss both patient cases and advances. The evening break out sessions are a big bonus. Beautiful conference center! You can also register using RUGO. See you there! ”

Quoting Sara Tolaney‘s post:

“Please consider attending the School of Breast Oncology Nov 7-9th in Atlanta led by Joyce O’Shaughnessy; it is really a fabulous and comprehensive program that teaches every aspect of breast cancer care. Use my last name (TOLANEY) for free registration.”

Read further.
Source: Hope Rugo/X and Sara Tolaney/X

Sara Tolaney is the Chief of the Division of Breast Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. She also serves as Associate Director of the Susan F. Smith Center for Women’s Cancers and is a Senior Physician at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Her research focuses on the development of novel therapies in the treatment of breast cancer and developing more effective and less toxic treatment approaches. Her work has demonstrated that a relatively low-risk regimen is beneficial in women with early-stage node-negative HER2-positive cancers, and this works has been incorporated into national and international guidelines.