Udhayvir Grewal: Perhaps good doctors don’t just know WHAT to say, but also WHEN to say it and HOW much
May 18, 2024, 10:05

Udhayvir Grewal: Perhaps good doctors don’t just know WHAT to say, but also WHEN to say it and HOW much

Udhayvir Grewal, Hematology and Oncology Fellow at the University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, shared on X:

“One of the best things I’ve learnt from my mentor is to ask patients- ‘how much would you like to know?’.

Some patients just wanna know ‘what’s next/ when can we get started’.

Perhaps good doctors don’t just know WHAT to say, but also WHEN to say it and HOW much.”

Source: Udhayvir Grewal/X