February, 2025
February 2025
Sachin H. Jain: How to make the most of the experience in medical school
May 17, 2024, 14:25

Sachin H. Jain: How to make the most of the experience in medical school

Sachin H. Jain, President and CEO of the Scan Group, posted on LinkedIn:

“When I was admitted to medical school twenty-two years ago, I received a lot of advice about how to make the most of the experience. I was honored to share some of my perspectives with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
Some thoughts:

1) Make the most of your student status. See as much as you can before you have the MD after your name. Ask as many question as you can.
2) Don’t put your life on pause. You were a human before you were a medical student. It’s easy to forget that.
3) See the problems you observe as opportunities to make a difference and have impact on the field and the profession. Express deference, but imagine yourself as a changemaker.
4) Aspire to deeply understand the roles of other healthcare professionals on the team. Medicine is a team sport. An understanding of others on the team will enable you to work with others to make a bigger difference.
5) Narrow your extracurricular focus to no more than 1 activity. Anything more will dilute your medical education—and your time as a student is a time that will never come back.
What is your advice for new medical students?”
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Source: Sachin H. Jain/LinkedIn