Olya Kudinenko: I am stepping down from the operational management of the Tabletochki CF
Olya Kudinenko,
Tabletochki CF and Kids-of-Ukraine.org, shared a post on LinkedIn:“I never imagined I would write this, but I am stepping down from the operational management of the Tabletochki CF. The fund keeps operating at full capacity and is managed by the executive team, with me remaining as its founder.
However, imagination has failed me before. Thirteen (!) years ago, I could not have imagined that my desire to help children with cancer would turn into the largest children’s aid foundation and fundamentally change the charity in Ukraine. That we would not only buy medicine for children but also influence the government to do it on a larger scale and faster. The first and only palliative program for children with cancer would appear. There would be an educational program for doctors in pediatric oncology. These things happened. One big wish and many steps turned into assisting over 60,000 (!) Ukrainian families, totalling over 31 million US dollars and much more!
I will never forget my friends, the first donors, and the donors who became my closest friends. I will not forget thousands of conversations that started with “helping children with cancer is very expensive” and “we don’t trust you” and ended with “give me the bank account for donation”.
The stories of children and their families, which constantly drove me to change, have forever grown in me. Children we could not save but whose short lives improved the system and made it more human. Children who recovered and went to first grade, graduated, got married, and even had their children. I love you all very much, and you are my heart. Now, I understand that tactical decisions in favour of children are better made locally in Ukraine. And I am not here. So, I am stepping back from operational management.
I am deeply grateful to the team for their work and continuing my mission and legacy. With the full-scale war starting, the fund continues to help 500 families monthly and implement over 13 aid programs. The team comprises over 40 people. I’ve built something that will outlive me. I am grateful to all the donors who, in these extremely difficult circumstances, keep the focus on children who are living through two wars at once and find opportunities to help. Please continue your support! I am very grateful to journalists and editors who have included me in the rankings of influential Ukrainians for years — this strengthened my voice for helping children. I will continue to be their voice. Always and everywhere. At some point, parents have to let go of their children (as a mother of Vera, I’m still wondering: could it be at 8 years old or should I wait until she’s 25?!). So, I am releasing Tabletochki into an independent life. With gratitude, love, and understanding, this will be more beneficial and productive for the children, for the sake of whom I started it all 13 years ago.
This chapter of my life has ended. But I continue to dream that one day, no child in Ukraine will die neither from cancer nor from war.”
Source: Olya Kudinenko/LinkedIn
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