February, 2025
February 2025
Erin Cummings: Cancer doesn’t take sides
Feb 19, 2025, 22:19

Erin Cummings: Cancer doesn’t take sides

Erin Cummings, Founder and Executive Director of Hodgkin’s International, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Speak up!

Anyone who has been touched by cancer knows that it is an equal-opportunity destroyer. Cancer doesn’t take sides. It doesn’t give a damn what your political leanings might be. Cancer is a wrecking ball that cuts through both sides of the aisle. It can kill, maim, and create lasting pain and suffering for survivors and those who love and care for them.

That makes the news about cuts to the NIH terrifying. For those of us whose lives depend on research that comes from NIH-funded programs, this should be more than a wake-up call- it should be a call to action.

If you’ve ever heard the words, ‘You have cancer,’ you have had an intimate relationship with feelings of fear and helplessness. You’ve had to use every tool in your toolbox to survive. Here’s a tool you may not have used- your voice.

This is a time to speak up for yourself and for others. We are not as powerless as we may think we are. Cancer survivors have a stake in this funding crisis, and we need to use our voices to make a difference. Write your state representatives, your Congressmen. Tell them, and anyone who will listen, that NIH-funded research saves lives – including yours.”

Read further.

More posts featuring Erin Cummings.