March, 2025
March 2025
Sally Wolf: Breast cancer commercials during the Super Bowl were inspirational and action-oriented
Feb 11, 2025, 06:48

Sally Wolf: Breast cancer commercials during the Super Bowl were inspirational and action-oriented

Sally Wolf, CEO and Founder of LightWorks, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Breast cancer commercials usually make me cringe. During the Super Bowl, however, that changed. As much for what the spot wasn’t as for what it was:

It wasn’t a meteoric pharma moonshot: No overarching promise to eliminate cancer.

It wasn’t full of pinkwashing: No silly pink products to profit off breast cancer.

It wasn’t pushing a specific treatment: No focus on a single drug and side effects. (I see endless triggering ads for my own chemo)

Instead it was inspirational and action-oriented: It twisted decades of spots bursting with breasts, playing off countless ads’ objectifying to instead call us all to action, with screening tips based on age.

Kudos to Novartis‘ ‘Your Attention, Please’ spot:

  • For gaining our attention last night.
  • And, I hope, sparking action today.
  • Because awareness is only step 1.

As the spot noted, ‘0ver 6MM women watching today’s game may be diagnosed with breast cancer.’ That’s 1 in 8 women. But only 1 in 2 get their annual screenings. Catching it early will save your life. And your sister’s. Your mom’s. Your daughter’s. Your friend’s. Your colleague’s.

The game may be over, I hope this message lingers long enough to spark you to action:

1. Schedule your own annual exam.
2. Text a few friends to do the same.
3. Share this post to help spread the message.
4. Follow Breast Cancer Early Detection Coalition.

Curious what you thought of this spot – and others, too. What was your favorite?

Link to the “Your Attention Please” site for full video spot as well as all as many resources.”