February, 2025
February 2025
Mila Ogalla Toledo: I had the incredible opportunity to visit my local hospital as a Patient Advocate for the first time
Dec 13, 2024, 23:54

Mila Ogalla Toledo: I had the incredible opportunity to visit my local hospital as a Patient Advocate for the first time

Mila Ogalla Toledo, Patient Advocate, shared a post by David Jiménez-Pavón, Senior Researcher at the University of Cádiz, on Linkedin:

“Yesterday I had the incredible opportunity to visit my local hospital as a Patient Advocate for the first time – what a full-circle experience.

During this visit, I was able to share not only my experience, insights and knowledge about YOCRC (young-onset colorectal cancer), but also highlight the role that being outdoors and staying active played before, during and after my treatment (both mentally and physically).

One of the most life-changing aspects has been the opportunity to connect with other young adults with a lived cancer experience.”

Qouting David Jiménez-Pavón’s post:

“Today has been an emotional day in which we have talked about ‘Physical Exercise and Cancer’ at the Puerto Real Hospital and its Oncology unit of the Day Hospital. We have shared experiences and knowledge with this unit, medical oncologists and cancer patients-survivors.

Key messages:

  1. ‘Physical exercise before, during, and after diagnosis’
  2. ‘Multidisciplinary team and personalisation-adaptation’
  3. Obesity-Cancer-Diabetes-Dementia has a metabolic alteration relationship’
  4. ‘MOVE-IT for a healthy life’

Thanks to Carmen María for the organization of these wonderful I conferences.

We will be happy to continue doing our bit.”

Mila Ogalla Toledo: I had the incredible opportunity to visit my local hospital as a Patient Advocate for the first time

Mila Ogalla Toledo was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at 26 years old, an experience she described as a devastating shock that upended her life. At a time when she was beginning her career and embracing independence, the diagnosis forced Mila to put her personal goals on hold.

Mila now works to challenge the stigma surrounding cancer by fostering open conversations. Her goal is to raise awareness and provide others with the information, support, and resources she found lacking during her own treatment and recovery.