October, 2024
October 2024
Pat Garcia-Gonzalez: A day of celebration of life in all corners of the world
Oct 19, 2024, 12:32

Pat Garcia-Gonzalez: A day of celebration of life in all corners of the world

Pat Garcia-Gonzalez, CEO of The Max Foundation, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“October 19th marks the anniversary of Max’s birthday.

It is a day of mixed emotions; a beautiful life cut short, so many birthdays missed, and a longing for what wasn’t. Yet today I take a step back and realize that Max’s name has become a symbol of hope through the work of The Max Foundation, and his birthday marks a day of celebration of life in all corners of the world.

I find myself with a heart full of gratitude for every person who has chosen to carry Max in their hearts and who dedicate their life to give to others.

One such people is Serali, a 54-year-old man from Nepal whose sacrifice for his family and his grace in the face of adversity is humbling.

Today on this day of gratitude, I share his testimonial as a gift to you. Let his words remind us of our common humanity, and of the right of all people to access treatment regardless of where we live.”

Pat Garcia-Gonzalez is the CEO and co-founder of The Max Foundation, an organization committed to promoting health equity by enhancing global access to cancer treatment, care, and support. She serves as an advisor to the CML Advocates Network and the International CML Foundation, and is a board member of the Partnership for Quality Medical Donations.