October, 2024
October 2024
Tanja Obradovic: Genenta Science announces opening of the Temferon trial in mRCC
Oct 14, 2024, 12:57

Tanja Obradovic: Genenta Science announces opening of the Temferon trial in mRCC

Tanja Obradovic shared a post on LinkedIn:

”Clinical development landscape in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) is very busy with well recognized role of immunotherapy. Among numerous new drugs in development one novel approach is quite intriguing and it may hold promise of very favorable risk-benefit profile as Genenta Science announces opening of the Temferon trial in mRCC.

Temferon is a lenti-virus based hematopoietic stem progenitor cell-immuno therapy enabling controlled and targeted interferon-α (IFN-α) expression within cancers. Biologically delivered via engineered tumor infiltrating monocytes (Tie2 expressing monocytes – TEMs), Temferon generates immune responses to any TEMs positive cancers. Opening of mRCC trial follows finishing dose-ranging Phase 1 in glioblastoma ((NCT03866109) where no DLTs were found. Of important interest to note is that Temferon-derived cells persisted in the peripheral blood for over two years post-infusion and efficacy signal in glioblastoma was also strong with a median survival of 16.8 months. As development proceeds into Phase 2 in glioblastoma and Phase 1 in mRCC it will be of interest to follow if favorable risk-benefit profile remains in higher number of patients.

Truly pioneering, great work by Genenta Science team driving quite innovative approach into delivering IFN-α via Tie2 monocytes avoiding well known high toxicity of IFN-α mono therapy. To note, FDA granted Orphan Drug Designation to Temferon for glioblastoma multiforme in 2023.”

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Source: Tanja Obradovic/LinkedIn

Tanja Obradovic is the Vice President of Oncology Scientific Affairs at ICON PLCh. She has over 20 years of clinical research experience and has led major pharmaceutical companies for 13 years. Her research focuses on small molecules, antibodies, cell and gene therapy, and major immunotherapy of PD1 inhibitors.