March, 2025
March 2025
Isabel Mestres: You can now Take Your City Further with City Cancer Challenge 
Oct 19, 2023, 19:04

Isabel Mestres: You can now Take Your City Further with City Cancer Challenge 

Isabel Mestres, CEO at City Cancer Challenge Foundation, shared a post on LinkedIn, saying:

“Hot off the press! You can now Take Your City Further with City Cancer Challenge

We have received numerous requests from cities wanting to join our network in the past years, but we weren’t ready… yet! It’s now time to bring your city further and join our growing network.

Since 2019, we have witnessed incredible progress in health care systems, with increased access to quality care and improved outcomes for cancer patients. This success could not have been achieved without local leadership and vision, with the support of committed international organisations.

Unlock the potential of collaboration in your own community and change, just like these cities did: Abuja, Arequipa, Asuncion, Cali, Greater Petaling, Kigali, Kumasi, Leon, Nairobi, Phnom Penh, Porto Alegre, Rosario, and Tbilisi.

By joining the City Cancer Challenge, you will have access to a global network of experts, resources, and best practices. You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with cities that share your dedication and challenges in making cancer care more accessible, equitable, and effective. We have demonstrated that change begins on the ground. It’s now your turn to achieve city-level impact and scale it up to national level.

Breaking down barriers and coming together as a community with one clear goal – improving access to cancer care – is vital for better patient care, improved healthcare systems, and more effective resource management.

Joining C/Can can help make this goal a reality.”