October, 2024
October 2024
We cannot stop fighting until every child has the chance to live a life free from the burden of cancer – St. Baldrick’s Foundation
Oct 3, 2024, 08:04

We cannot stop fighting until every child has the chance to live a life free from the burden of cancer – St. Baldrick’s Foundation

St. Baldrick’s Foundation shared the following on LinkedIn:

“The summer before sophomore year, Lauren’s life changed dramatically when she was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma at just 14 years old.

Despite spending much of her sophomore year in the hospital, Lauren remained committed to her education, taking online classes and completing coursework from her hospital bed. After high school, she went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in biology and an MBA. Now in her final year of medical school, she’s applying for a radiation oncology residency.

Lauren‘s journey highlights the ripple effect of your support. Because of donations and fundraising from people like you, St. Baldrick’s was able to support research that led to Unituxin becoming the standard treatment for neuroblastoma. This breakthrough allowed Lauren to survive and dream of a future where she can impact the lives of other children facing cancer.

As Lauren shares, ‘Much about cancer remains unknown, and it’s important to recognize that childhood cancers are biologically different from adult cancers. We cannot stop fighting until every child has the chance to live a life free from the burden of cancer.’

Help to continue the ripple effect that accelerates research and allows other children like Lauren to live long and healthy lives.”

We cannot stop fighting until every child has the chance to live a life free from the burden of cancer - St. Baldrick’s Foundation

Source: St. Baldrick’s Foundation/LinkedIn