The latest issue of Annals of Research in Oncology is now available
Sep 25, 2024, 14:10

The latest issue of Annals of Research in Oncology is now available

Annals of Research in Oncology shared a post on LinkedIn:

”The latest issue of Annals of Research in Oncology is now available!

Featured contents:

  • Editorial
    Vaccinations in cancer patients: a call to action.
    Angioletta Lasagna, Domiziana Alaimo, Paolo Pedrazzoli.
  • Narrative Review
    The predictive accuracy of systematic versus selective Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for mediastinal staging in non-small cell lung cancer.
    Lucia Mangone, et al.
  • Narrative Review/Case Report
    Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes associated with anti-Hu antibodies in an ovarian cancer patient: a case report and literature review.
    Canio Martinelli, et al.
  • Case Reports
    Psychogenic fever and the naproxen test: a diagnostic challenge in a patient with post-operative high-grade fever.
    Siddharth Yadav, et al.
    Sialoblastoma in a newborn: a diagnostic challenge of a rare entity.
    Renato Franco, et al.
  • Meeting Report
    From bench to bedside: highlights from the International Dialogue on Ovarian Cancer.
    Sharon Burk, et al.

Read the full issue online now and stay updated on the latest research.

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Antonio Giordano from Sbarro Health Research Organization and Professor Carmine Pinto from AUSL Reggio Emilia.

Executive Editor: Professor Francesca Pentimalli from LUM University and Edra Joint-Stock Company.”

Read further.
Source: Annals of Research in Oncology/LinkedIn