Impact of Hormone Receptor Status in Young BRCA Carriers
Jun 23, 2024, 18:54

Impact of Hormone Receptor Status in Young BRCA Carriers

Elisabetta Bonzano, Radiation Oncologist at IRCCS San Matteo Polyclinic Foundation, shared on X:    .

Impact of Hormone Receptor Status and Tumor Subtypes of Breast Cancer in Young BRCA Carriers – Annals of Oncology

•In young BRCA carriers, hormone receptor status did not appear to be a strong positive prognostic factor.
• Patients with luminal A-like disease seem to have the worst DFS compared to all the other subtypes.
• Personalized treatment, surveillance, and prevention strategies based on disease biology are recommended in young BRCA carriers.”

Source: Elisabetta Bonzano/X