ECO kicked off International Men’s Health Week
Jun 14, 2024, 08:58

ECO kicked off International Men’s Health Week

European Cancer Organisation (ECO) shared on LinkedIn:       .

“Today, ECO kicked off International Men’s Health Week with a meeting of its Men and Cancer Workstream co-chaired by Peter Baker and Hendrik Van Poppel.

Worldwide, a man now has a 1 in 5 chance of getting cancer by the age of 75 and rates are increasing.

Read our joint ‘Time to Accelerate‘ roadmap for how Europe can take action and check out Global Action on Men’s Health’s new ‘Men and Cancer: A Charter for Action’ for a 10-point programme on making a significant difference.

Also, watch this space for news of our Women and Cancer Workstream, introduced today as part of the meeting agenda.

It is co-chaired by Isabel T. Rubio and Paola Anna Erba.”

Source: ECO/LinkedIn