Harold Cottin: City Cancer Challenge is very proud to partner with the World Health Organization for the implementation of the Global Breast Cancer Initiative
Oct 18, 2023, 16:08

Harold Cottin: City Cancer Challenge is very proud to partner with the World Health Organization for the implementation of the Global Breast Cancer Initiative

Quoting Harold Cottin, Head of Global Public Affairs at City Cancer Challenge, on LinkedIn:

City Cancer Challenge is very proud to partner with the World Health Organization for the implementation of the Global Breast Cancer Initiative.

Partnership objective: Make a difference for breast cancer patients.

The method: Test the GBCI framework on the ground and build how-to guides to support its implementation at a country level and improve breast cancer control.

With the support of City Cancer Challenge partners, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, MSD and Isabel Mestres, City Cancer Challenge CEO.
Live from World Health Summit Session PD 10 – Tackling Inequalities in Outcomes in Women’s Cancers – How Do We Make This a Public Policy Priority?

Source: Harold Cottin/LinkedIn