Manufactured Chemicals and Children’s Health – The Need for New Law
Henry Rowlands, Chief Executive Officer of Soil in Formation, shared a post on LinkedIn about a recent paper published in NEJM:
“Manufactured Chemicals and Children’s Health – The Need for New Law”
“It is with great happiness that I can now share a 3-year journey that has led to the creation of the Institute for Preventive Health, alongside some of the leading independent scientists, economists, legal and policy experts in the world.
I have always believed that we need peer-reviewed guidelines that can be used by policy makers, investors and brands to protect our children from the chronic disease crisis they face, due to exposure to toxic chemicals. Developing this idea with Dr. Phil Landrigan and his team has enabled the dream to become reality.
Today the leading medical Journal in the world, the New England Journal of Medicine, has published the findings of 25 leading researchers from 17 of the top institutions in the world. They outline the terrifying statistics of increasing chronic disease in our children over the last 50 years and also provide detailed solutions.”
Manoj Reddy, Founder and President of Integrative Oncology Working GroupIntegrative, shared this post, adding:
“Call to Action: Protecting Children’s Health from Manufactured Chemicals.
An alarming report published in the January 8, 2024, edition of the New England Journal of Medicine by The Consortium for Children’s Environmental Health, featuring 25 leading researchers, calls for urgent action to address the growing impact of manufactured chemicals on children’s health.
‘Manufactured Chemicals and Children’s Health – The Need for New Law’ highlights significant increases in health issues affecting children over the past 50 years, including:
- Childhood cancers (up 35%)
- Male reproductive birth defects (doubled in frequency)
- Neurodevelopmental disorders, now affecting 1 in 6 children
- Autism spectrum disorder, diagnosed in 1 in 36 children
- Pediatric asthma, which has tripled
- Pediatric obesity, nearly quadrupled, driving higher rates of Type 2 diabetes in children
I extend my gratitude to Henry Rowlands for bringing attention to this critical issue and congratulate him on the establishment of the Institute for Prevention Health.
At the Integrative Oncology Working Group (IOWG), we believe that true innovation in cancer care requires not only cutting-edge scientific advancements but also tackling difficult societal challenges, such as environmental toxins, that contribute to cancer risks. Addressing these systemic issues through innovation, strategy, collaboration is essential to creating a healthier future for all.
Several studies have demonstrated associations between various chemicals and increased cancer risks:
- Martínez NF, Environ Research. 2020. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2020.109787
- Meng M, Heliyon. 2024. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e29684
- Ataei M, Toxic and App Pharm. 2022. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2022.116280
- Cavalier H, Int J of Cancer. doi:10.1002/ijc.34300
- Shi J, Eco and Envir Safety. 2024. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.115925
- Ziyaei K, Science of the Total Environ. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171261
To advance awareness, we are planning a special session later this year featuring Dr. Anna Maria Fine and Dr. Lyn Patrick, hosted by Dr. Leyna Bautista, to address the intersection of environmental health and cancer.
As Vivek Murthy concluded in his final address community is guided by relationships, service, and purpose. We invite all healthcare professionals to join Integrative Oncology Working Group in raising awareness and advocating for change.
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