Bishal Gyawali: Kudos to the FDA for being proactive and swift in making withdrawal recommendations in recent years.
Oct 8, 2023, 18:03

Bishal Gyawali: Kudos to the FDA for being proactive and swift in making withdrawal recommendations in recent years.

Bishal Gyawali, Associate Professor at Queen’s University, shared on X/Twitter:

“When a drug that previously received AA is withdrawn swiftly following failure to prove clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial, it is not a failure of the system. It’s the opposite. It’s exactly how the system is supposed to function. Kudos to the FDA for being proactive and swift in making withdrawal recommendations in recent years. Things have meaningfully improved in recent days versus what they used to be when we studied this phenomenon in 2021.”

Bishal Gyawali: Kudos to the FDA for being proactive and swift in making withdrawal recommendations in recent years.

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Source: Bishal Gyawali/Twitter