Dimitrios Filippou: Ethical Problems and Possible Limitations of AI in Medicine
Jul 30, 2024, 08:17

Dimitrios Filippou: Ethical Problems and Possible Limitations of AI in Medicine

Dimitrios Filippou, Assistant Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Recent published Editorial Article.

Ethical Problems and Possible Limitations from the Use of AI in Medicine.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the field of medicine, providing groundbreaking innovations in diagnosing, treating, and caring for patients.

Despite its benefits, the incorporation of AI in healthcare raises ethical issues and constraints that must be carefully addressed.

The major ethical concerns include bias and fairness, transparency and explainability, privacy and confidentiality, accountability, informed consent, autonomy and human oversight, economic and accessibility challenges, and other issues related to AI algorithms.

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Source: Dimitrios Filippou/LinkedIn