October, 2024
October 2024
Trish Boh: How the use of AI in Oncology has the potential to revolutionize cancer care
Jun 28, 2024, 06:03

Trish Boh: How the use of AI in Oncology has the potential to revolutionize cancer care

Trish Boh, Executive Secretary to Executive Medical Director of Oncology Services and Directors at St. Elizabeth Healthcare, shared post on LinkedIn:

“AI in Precision Oncology is the only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of artificial intelligence applications in clinical and precision oncology.

Dr. Doug Flora, editor-in-chief invites you to dive into AI in Precision Oncology:

‘A pioneering peer-reviewed research journal rooted in the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in oncology. This journal will serve as a robust platform for disseminating rigorous, groundbreaking, high-quality peer-reviewed research, review articles, and captivating frontmatter to support the interests, needs, and innovation in the field and industry.

My foremost goal as editor-in-chief, along with the goals of the incredible team of editorial board members, is to inform, innovate, and inspire. With this journal serving as a main resource in the field, we will support clinicians, researchers, AI experts, patients, and industry leaders with up-to-date advancements in the field while fostering an environment conducive to further innovation and collaboration.’

Curious to learn more about how the use of AI in Oncology has the potential to revolutionize cancer care? Visit here.”

Source: Trish Boh/LinkedIn