October, 2024
October 2024
Ivana Cattaneo: How we can optimize the link between European led projects and local needs
Oct 28, 2024, 10:10

Ivana Cattaneo: How we can optimize the link between European led projects and local needs

Ivana CattaneoExecutive Director Therapeutic Area Advocacy and Precision Medicine, Novartis, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Registration is closing soon!

Join us in this event where we will explore the various precision oncology multi-stakeholder initiatives which can help address the challenges faced by cancer patients and healthcare systems at a country level and to see how we can optimize the link between European led projects and local needs.

The event is in Brussels, on November 13 and it is hosted by the European Committee of the Regions and organized by the EFPIA – European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Oncology Platform with scientific support from EUREGHA – European Regional and Local Health Authorities and Cancer Patients Europe – CPE.
It takes place during the Personalised Medicine month, dedicated to raising awareness of, and increasing access to, molecular and biomarker testing in cancer care across Europe.

This event comes at a pivotal moment, as the European Union transitions into a new mandate with new leadership shaping future legislative and policy priorities.
By bringing together policymakers, regional health authorities, patient advocates and healthcare providers we will explore how we can advance collaboratively to improve the uptake of precision oncology at a local level: through case studies and expert interventions, we aim to share already existing successful practices and to develop actionable recommendations to drive forward this critical agenda.

We hope you can come and join us: by working together, we can ensure not to miss the remaining 6 years ahead of us to materialize the vision set by the EU Cancer Mission and maximize the value of every Euro invested.

Agenda and Registration link.”