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Nearly 50% of researchers quit science within a decade
Oct 21, 2024, 19:17

Nearly 50% of researchers quit science within a decade

Marcio Covas Moschovas reflected on a study recently published in Nature showing that 50% of researchers within a decade in academia:

Nearly 50% of researchers quit science within a decade, huge study reveals.

Author: Miryam Naddaf.

Marcio Covas Moschovas

He shared on LinkedIn:

”Alarming Trend: Nearly 50% of Researchers Quit Science within a Decade.

Recent data reveals a concerning trend: nearly half of researchers are leaving their academic careers. This statistic is more than just a number – it’s a wake-up call. Researchers are the engine driving scientific discovery, innovation, and the development of solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.

Why This Matters:

Researchers play a pivotal role in advancing knowledge in fields like medicine, technology, climate science, and beyond.

Many breakthroughs, including vaccines, surgical robotics, and AI technologies, are the result of years of rigorous academic work.

Losing this talent pool threatens the future of scientific progress and innovation.

The Challenge:

Increasing pressures like inadequate funding, unstable job prospects, mental health struggles, and administrative burdens push many researchers away from academia.

With fewer researchers in academic institutions, the pipeline of knowledge could shrink, slowing the pace of discovery.

What Needs to Happen:

Institutions and policymakers must address these challenges by providing better support, resources, and career development opportunities.

The scientific community needs to come together to advocate for structural changes, including better funding and career paths, to retain talent.

Researchers are the backbone of scientific evolution, and their well-being should be a top priority. Science thrives on continuous exploration, and without researchers, we risk stalling future advancements. It’s time to pay attention to this data and take meaningful steps to support the brilliant minds shaping our future.”

Marcio Covas Moschovas, MD, Ph.D., FACS, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida and a full-time urologist specializing in urologic oncology and robotic surgery at the AdventHealth Global Robotics Institute, where he has served for over 5 years.