October, 2024
October 2024
Be imperfect. You are more than a body part – Renee Ridgeley
Oct 2, 2024, 14:05

Be imperfect. You are more than a body part – Renee Ridgeley

Marianne Sarcich, Founder,

“These powerful words are from Renee Ridgeley. As you read her words, keep this in mind. It’s 30 years. And still women are not told about every breast reconstruction option they are a candidate for. And still some women wake up from breast surgery without the aesthetic flat closure they had asked for.

“Thirty years ago NY artist/fashion model Matuschka took her camera and created an iconic self-portrait that captured the suffering – and the resilience – of the slash/burn/poison of breast cancer. The image broke boundaries when it appeared on the cover of the New York Magazine. This kind of representation offers solidarity, self-worth and dignity to those who have sacrificed so much for more time on this planet.

Be imperfect. You are more than a body part.

*Maxi was gracious to share her story with me. She would not consider a foreign object (implants) and when she explored DIEP, she did not like the results that could occur downtown, below the donor site. She found a plastic surgeon pioneering BRAVA, an external skin expansion followed by fat grafting, now called EVE. This technique should be presented to all mastectomy patients.”

A note from me on the breast reconstruction option that Renee talks about. As always, do your own homework and make an informed decision. What’s right for one person, may not be right for you.

Marianne Sarcich

Source: Marianne Sarcich/LinkedIn